Package TWiki::Search

This module implements all the search functionality.

ClassMethod new ($session)

Constructor for the singleton Search engine object.

ObjectMethod finish ()

Break circular references.

StaticMethod getTextPattern ($text,$pattern)

Sanitise search pattern - currently used for FormattedSearch only

ObjectMethod searchWeb (...)

Search one or more webs according to the parameters.

If _callback is set, that means the caller wants results as soon as they are ready. =_callback_ should be set to a reference to a function which takes _cbdata as the first parameter and remaining parameters the same as 'print'.

If _callback is set, the result is always undef. Otherwise the result is a string containing the rendered search results.

If inline is set, then the results are not decorated with the search template head and tail blocks.

The function will throw Error::Simple if it encounters any problems with the syntax of the search string.

Note: If format is set, template will be ignored.

Note: For legacy, if regex is defined, it will force type='regex'

If type="word" it will be changed to type="keyword" with wordBoundaries=1. This will be used for searching with scope="text" only, because scope="topic" will do a Perl search on topic names.

SMELL: If template is defined bookview will not work

SMELL: it seems that if you define _callback or inline then you are responsible for converting the TML to HTML yourself!

FIXME: callback cannot work with format parameter (consider format='| $topic |'

StaticMethod displayFormField ($meta,$args) -> $text

Parse the arguments to a $formfield specification and extract the relevant formfield from the given meta data.

  • args string containing name of form field

In addition to the name of a field args can be appended with a commas followed by a string format (\d+)([,\s*]\.\.\.)?). This supports the formatted search function $formfield and is used to shorten the returned string or a hyphenated string.

Topic revision: r3 - 2008-01-22 - 03:21:31 - TWikiContributor
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